Opening a Business Magnolia Promenade offers 3 pre-built businesses you can take over. With introductions out of the way, here's a guide to everything you need to know to run a successful business in The Sims 4 Get to Work! Because this one runs the risk of being too long, I'm breaking it into three sections: first you'll find the basics for operating a business here, then we'll go into managing the store's employees, dealing with customers, and finally the Retail Perks you can purchase. Retail Perks and the ability to promote employees and designate their uniforms gives a lot of customization options for the player to make their dream business.

Maxis and The Sims Studio decided to bring in the ability to dress mannequins and sell outfits, so even clothing shops are possible with the business system. The Retail features work similarly no matter what type of items you want to sell, so this guide is relevant to anything from a variety store or bakery, to an art gallery or book store. Nearly anything in the game can be sold for a profit, and you've got a number of options to help you optimize how your business is run and rake in the Simoleans. The Sims 4's Get to Work Expansion Pack marks the return of the Open for Business style management of retail stores, which Simmers have missed since The Sims 2. The outside decorations help attract customers through 'curb appeal'. If you like growing your Sim's career then get the Get to Work expansion pack, otherwise give it a miss.The Sims 4 Get to Work: Retail Guide Guide to Opening your Store & Basic Concepts This Guide will teach you to open your own small business in The Sims 4. Should I Buy It? The new jobs get repetitive after a while, but running your own business is fun. It's a bit limited, though, and annoyingly if you want to open a restaurant then you'll need to buy the Dine Out game pack too. In Get to Work you can create your own store, manage employees, keep track of your finances, and more.

Considering that, if you're wondering why you should bother with The Sims 4 over older iterations, check out our analysis of the difference between the Sims games. Open for Business for Sims 2 is one of the best expansions and this is a spiritual successor to that-though it doesn't quite reach the same heights. This expansion also gives you the ability to create your own business. It's fun to take part in these, though much like real life you will find it draws you away from everything else. You can become a doctor, dentist, or scientist, and actively control your Sims in their profession-like being able to treat patients, discover clues, or invent something. Your Sim heads off to work and you don't get much of a say in what happens there. Sending your Sims to work has always been a part of The Sims experience, but always a passive one.